Google and Drones
Google has patented many things, including self-driving delivery trucks, and on April 25 they patented outlines of methods for drones to deliver packages to homes. We know that Google has been planning to use drones to deliver along with Amazon and Walmart, but we didn't know how. The patent tells use that instead of having the drone try and land in a lawn or on your front steps, it could hover over its target location and lower a package from a cable. It will most likely have an alarm that tells people to stay back, and have a LED light that changes from red, to yellow, to green depending on when you can pick up the package. Then it will bring its cable back up and say a message that tell you that you are able to retrieve your package and fly back to its base to recharge and get a new package. Google will also have to see if the FFA allows this method before they start using it and, once again, they say that they will be planning to do drone deliveries by 2017. The thing is, this might not even be there idea that they use because Google patents a lot of things that either don't end up working or just aren't used. So, do you think that Google will use this idea?