Tuesday, March 15, 2016



     Drones can be used for many things, including filming, war, and possibly deliveries, but these new drones protect wildlife. The Lindbergh Foundation made an Air Shepherd program that catches poachers who are endangering elephants and rhinos. This program is a fleet of unmanned drones. In South Africa, the Air Shepard drones will go through months of training and then be put out in popular areas for poaching. The drones will be able to fly silently and have infrared scanners. This will allow them to spot without being spotted. When the drone spots a poacher, rangers will be sent out to catch them. If they try and run, then the drone will follow them. When the testing for the Air Shepard drones was happening, most poachers stopped poaching because they were afraid of being caught. Air Shepard hopes to be used in many other countries and right now is discussing possibilities with officials in five other country's.      
Image result for Air Shepherd

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